Friday, January 09, 2009

Hello 2009

I am at the Tea Lounge and it is 12:21 in the night.
I'm feeling restless. Is it the time of the year?
I mean xmas has this cozy feeling and then jan-march are kind of an unknown area.
Ég sá nokkra íkorna í dag. Þeir eru duglegir að finna sér eitthvað að borða á lóðinni í Brooklyn College.
I have not been alot to the Tea Lounge, but this is certainly a good time for restless nights. Tonight I watched a movie called the Fountain by Darren Aronovsky. It's nice to watch the special features and see regular people like you and me. People without pretensions or glamour.
Yesterday I went to a film screening by a man called Matthew Silver. I met Matthew before at an art show I was playing at at the Division of Human Works. My good friend has a gallery by this name in her own place in Bushwick.
Matthew did a happening, where he ripped open his chest and poured out his trademark spastic energy. Then he got drunk and started rubbing amourously against me.
That felt strange as a first impression, but at the show of his short movies I got convinced that the man is a complete f#### genius.
You can check out his current project here
And last but not least, don't forget to bookmark this page:
Listakonan Anne Herzog er nú í Frakklandi og fæst við internship hjá fyrirtæki sem gerir heimildarmyndir um staði víðsvegar í heiminum.
Af mér er allt gott að frétta. Tónleikarnir í Lemur tókust frábærlega. Ég er að skipuleggja listsýningu/tónleika í Division of Human Works í lok janúar.
In my own news, the concert at lemur was amazing, and I am planning another concert at the Division of Human works in late january, stay posted!
All the best, Hallvardur

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots

Monday, August 25, 2008


þá er það klassík hérna að tilefni dagsins.
Ég ætla að elda fisk og kartöflur og rófur

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Friday, July 18, 2008

Eigi hef ég verið duglegur að blogga upp á síðkastið. Síðan ég flutti í þessa borg niðurníslu og margmennis. En nú stendur það til bóta. Því hvað er betra en að nota sumarið í blogg? En það ku ekki vera verra né betra en nokkursstaðar annarsstaðar.
Mér þykir alltaf merkilegt að fylgjast með mannlífi í þessari borg. Hér flæða samana allar tegundir af fólki mögulegar...
Á þriðjudag mun ég spila á tónleikum á Living Room í Brooklyn.
Kær kveðja, Hallvarður

Sunday, February 24, 2008

in a strange place

I went to see Diamanda Galas the other day at the Knitting Factory, and even though she was probably having a bad night, it still sounded great.
Music is something that happens between people. Even when there's just one guy playing, you can still sense it. It's a relationship between the musicians and the audience.
Thom Yorke says that if someone in the crowd is wishing for the show to go badly, then it has an effect on the performer. And I completely believe that. It's a conversation between the artist, band and the audience.
The picture is of Diamanda Galas, playing at the knitting factory on valentines day 2008.

Monday, December 10, 2007

in rainbows disc 2

ok this one is the real shit. they actually stretch their music a bit further then before. i listen to the first one alot, but somehow this one is the shit.

i miss you

miss the deathly faint shine of the moon through those hopeless clouds. i miss the cold, the wind. i miss the nihilism, the roughness. i miss reality. i'm here on a continent were everything is. except the black people, and the red people and the yellow people. i miss the depression. i miss the sarcasm.

fuck. i guess i have to go back to europe for a vacation.