Tuesday, December 28, 2004

tristan johannes hallvardsson

Originally uploaded by hallfredinn.
tristan johannes has arrived into the world. it wasnt an easy trip. 4.5 kilos alive and kicking. he sends his regards.

nú er ég mættur inn í þennan heim. sinnið mér! þetta var ekki auðveld ferð. ég er 4.5 kíló. ég sendi hérmeð kveðju mína. jolli

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Aldrei þessu vant er ég í skapi til þess að skrifa á síðu þessa. Kannski er það frelsistilfinning, ég virðist vera alveg hættur að fá heimsóknir á hana. Núna var ég að koma úr viku útlegð með stórsveit Nix Noltes er þessi mynd er af. Þarna glittir í mig á bakvið en Auður tók myndina. Núna vorum við að taka upp plötu. þetta var mikið fjör, og ótrúlegt að svo stór hópur af sjálfstæðum einstaklingum skuli geta unnið saman yfirhöfuð. en þetta hófst, undir styrkri stjórn foringjans, sem svaf í arnarhreiðrinu. Núna setjum við stefnuna á New York í febrúar. Platan kemur út í vor, þá verður farinn túr um landið.

Monday, December 20, 2004

childhood, ii

there was also a boy, called nicholas or something like that. he was older than me. he used that advantage to a point, because at that age one or two years make a huge difference. he would lie to me a lot. he told me that he could see through the packages under the christmas tree. he had designed a device to do so. he knew which star wars toys he was going to get for christmas. i envied him alot of this quality, as it was an advantage. the dominating power of adults feels like god, at that point in life.
then there was a girl, i do not remember her name. we met at the playground, i remember the time we decided to become friends, swinging in the air. people would tease us for being together, and ask if i had a girlfriend, which i hated, because i didnt want a girlfriend.
sometimes we would visit friends of my parents, who were photographers. they had a daughter my age. we would play while her parents talked. we would go into her room and free from the adults, she would invite me into her closet. we would close it and she would give me a flashlight. then she took off her underpants and let me look with the flashlight. then she would do the same to me. i still remember the sight, so pink, naked and weird to look at.
then we would play in her room but she would keep her pants off.
i'd sometimes have fantasies of her while i was growing up.
i remember california as a sunny dreamland. i don't recall it ever raining. i was in a school for foreign kids.
i was an energetic kid. although i was mostly quiet, liked to doodle by myself. its a thing i noticed when i started working with children, much later, that out of about 50 screaming kids, there would be like 2 shy little kids who would just be quiet and play by themselves all the time. when i was working in the summer course for kids, there was one girl who just came and held my hand the whole time. she would be my secret friend.
the americans are people who are generous of compliments. So there i would get a lot of attention. I was costantly drawing and writing stories. i think the decision to make art my life came that early on, it was just to be focused by time.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

memoirs, part one: my childhood

i was born in 1976, on august the 25th. i remember being quite cheerful in childhood. although i sure had some of my later traits installed already. like, once my mother took me to some place i had to wait. and i would pace back and forth with my hands behind my back. looking really serious. and there were two old men there, they would look at me, and said that i was just like them. there are a lot of pictures from the 70's in my home, many of them include a volkswagen mini, which i have had a thing for ever since. all the colours were orange and brown then. this was such a popular trend that it dominates all the pictures. we lived in the basement of blönduhlíð 7. my parents painted the floor red. but they did not use a floor paint, so the whole floor in the apartment turned slowly reddish.there was a picture of a farmer girl and boy in the hallway and they looked quite happy. i thought they were just like my parents.
i have been told thoughout my life that i am a good person, that i am kind, and a good listener, and calm and such. however, i have also been told that i am lazy, self-centered, unfond of physical labour, and such. i think you will find, in the course of this essay that both hold some truth to them. I do not consider myself a particulary 'good' person, although maybe i used to think so. when i was still innocent. then i thought of myself as a good person doing evil in the world. thus i rebelled against all the goods that were given to me. i was spoiled. then, when all this was finished, and also i had become more accepted by my family as what i wanted to be/do, on a borguese level. i suddenly descovered a new trait, i could start to think for myself, instead of living only for the sake of an anti-life. that is, doing the exact opposite of what was expected of me.
this is my idea of growing up. then, i realized, that probably an evil person trying to do good in the world (but failing miserably).
i have at least managed to do everything wrong in my relatively short lifespan. i don't know what excuses i could make for this. my intentions were good, for the most part.
of course iwas a subject of untreated depression, but i though i was normal at the time. when you tell people you feel bad, they'll reply that life is 'a river of tears' or something alike. i just think they have enough with themselves, they don't need anyone complaining as well.
i used to think i didnt remember anything before the age of 4. but i do have some faint memories of my grandmother dragging me on a tricycle through the neighbourhood. the thing that illimunates these memories is just how must joy it would give her that i was able to ride a tricycle. that this woman would explode with joy if any of her grandchildren would show the slightest sign of independant thought, seems to have lightened up this memory.
i used to imagine that my life had started at the age of 4, in a sunny birthday party. i have fond memories of this period in time. my parents had moved to america to study. i was an energetic little boy. i don't remember so much, except that in st.paul were we lived, it was freezing cold in the winter. my dad would try to heat the car up and the windows would fill with steam. Its quite weird not to remember much from a huge chunk of my life, but then again i remember, i was quite happy. i don't remember, but my father said i spent alot of time drawing and writing that winter. i remember much more from our time in california. i had a best friend called marshall. his parents were overachievers. or at least they lived really healthy. his mother would swim alot in the morning. we met every day to play with our star wars toys. i had a falcon. one day i threw it from marshalls two level bed. it landed on the floor and made a crashing sound. i had hoped it would actually fly, being so into it. that was an early illumination of the difference between fantasy and reality.
not that it would be enough. i'd crash quite a few times before i would awake.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

no sleep

no sleep again.
i have to wake up to 6 o'clock just to feel okay. i figure i'm not interested enough in life these days to wake up in the morning. its such a shame. i should be having a great time. i have a concert on friday, saturday and sunday. next week. at least next weekend will be more interesting. i'm so much better off without you. since you ended this thing for good i've been 100% alive again. you could have saved me alot of trouble by doing it 3 years ago instead of now. now that i can close the door instead of comparing everything i have been living to that.
when one door is closed another opens.
i didnt feel like going out and drinking this evening.
keep busy.
i went to a concert with klink tonight by total accident. they are a hardcore band. i always like the vibe on rock and metal concerts. everybody is friendly. this was in a really small place, dillon.

Saturday, December 04, 2004


still sitting in this house of adolescent crap. nursing some sexual, vague desire. and nothing more. i'd like to graduate to the next level, but there is nothing there. it's a better deal just to feed this sensual stimulation, then trying to get serious about something that does not exist. still, sometimes i need reassurance. just to continue this bullshit existence. and when you hope for something strongly enough, it will appear, from out of thin air, it isnt there, except its there, just because i want it to be there. a wish taking on physical form. let me down easy. i am not ungrateful, i'd rather have the imaginary as a substitute for nothing at all. it will never change, no matter how much the outer circumstances change. still, everything can change all the sudden. the world could widen and become something else. but we are always ultimately alone, in every situation, in every decision. just remember that when your luck will turn.


Originally uploaded by hallfredinn.

i'm trying to decide if i'd rather want a leather jacket or a digital camera for christmas. maybe i'll take the camera because i can spare the jacket for a full blown leather pants and makeup, fishnet etc...
i don't feel like doing anything today, as i couldnt sleep this night, i awoke at two and fell asleep at five again.

well taht way i could just post pictures all the time. heres one, courtesy of my dad, the view from our house.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

a big weight is lifted off my shoulders now that we've managed to finish off most of the band recordings. now we're drummer less, so i don't know where we are heading. overdubs, mixing etc. of course we could do some acoustic shows or something. that's what people do in these situations. Nonni is moving to Reykjavik (maybe) in 9 months.
my kid is coming along fine, he's huge, of course we have not seen him yet, but i can't imagine him getting any bigger. due for delivery 23rd of december. i get a pregnancy vacations in the summer to look after him. new year, new kid..
i'm going out of town for a week soon to record with the bugarian folk band. we're going to stay for a week in a barn and record live to tape.