Sunday, October 10, 2004

good times#2

well i had a pretty good time tonight. me and the guys from my band went to see this show which is based on studmenn, the icelandic national pop band. theyve been playing since the 70's. it was mostly their early music. our drummer was playing in it, as he has to pay the rent. it was at this fancy place called broadway and the audience were mostly middle aged, respecteble sort. people from companies and stuff like that. they have the whole staff over for the show. some actors and singers made a cabaret around these songs. only absolute nonsense, but it wasnt so far between songs. broadway also has the most expensive bar in iceland i think a small beer would cost 800 kr. certainly a different environment from usually.
i went to the bar afterwards and was sober. it has an interesting david attenbourogh kind of feel to it, watching drunk people. people behave erraticaly, generally look more vicious.


Blogger hallvardur said...

jájá. þetta var ekkert slæmt heldur. þetta útskýrir ákveðið ástand. mitt líf er dáldið kaotískt núna. þetta verður örugglega fínt.

1:41 AM  

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