Monday, November 22, 2004

alive she cried

'an ambulance can only go so fast, it's easy to get buried in the past, when your trying to make a good thing last'
- N.Y.
an all night of partying was just what i needed. we finished the session with jón. it seemed like a good occation for drinking so i drank much more then usually, but kicked the beer habit, for whiskey. my hangover was much better then usually so there must be something good about it. the purer alcohol the better.
we went to some new place which was really suspicious, there was a playboy bunny night. the bunnies were just leaving when we came though, at about 2 o clock. so we went to some other places. we ended up in a party after all that. i met this nice icelandic-french girl.

i listen to neil young albums constantly, i gust cant stop. now i'm trying to rotate my listening habits in a random way, but i still come back to these albums. i mean of course, listening to records is almost all i ever do, whatever i may be doing.
one of the things i am doing, is listening to the national radio through the internet. just to listen to something that somebody else feeds me.

relationships are a promise, nothing more.
you will always be disappointed, whatever you do.
i am the one who cannot speak, who stands frozen when the shit hits the fan.
getting suffocated..
conflict is all there is left.

i mean i'd love to be happy, but it just seems to be too much to ask.
it comes in bits and pieces, and you can't always get the whole picture at the same time.

i feel happy to be alive.
what is the point of being, if you cannot allow yourself to be glad to be alive.
this night the moon is full, followed by a ghostly cloud.
the air is still and cold.
my head aches in a numb sort of way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love neil young, but dont have any you mind sharing your favorites with us??

6:48 PM  
Blogger hallvardur said...

yeah sure. i don't know how to share music on the blog though. but the first one i listened to was Everyone Knows this is Nowhere. my father gave me it on a cassette. it's so raw. all recorded live with the original crazy horse. danny whitten plays guitar on it. he's a very nice musician, very funky and with a lot of refined rhythm playing. neil is the original punk also. everything done in one take. typically he'd record the rehearsal and put it on the record. then i bought some of the newer albums, i think WELD was one of them. Its a good example of the newer crazy horse, you can also see that in the jim jarmusch movie, year of the horse. it's all crazy feedback and distortion. then sometime i bought After the Goldrush, that's one of the early ones, but more toned down, minimal pop music. he sings like a teenage girl on it. i could go on and on for days, but recently i got On the Beach. And it's fantastic. He did it without the crazy horse, but it was a kind of dramatic period in his life. Danny Whitten died from a heroine overdose while Harvest was being recorded. And ofcourse the breakup with his second wife. It has an acoustic laid bacak feel, and very gloomy lyrics. It's quite intriguing to see pictures of Danny, because he has a rather eerie likeness to another musician, of our time: Kurt Cobain.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks...I did not mean as mp3s or anything that'd be a hassle. I just like to pick up stuff I like as I go like a cd a week or so and see if they have an album that's good too.

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil Young is Canadian ya know! :P

And actually, I saw him perform with Crosby, Stills and Nash last autumn in California at The Bridge School Benefit. It was an amazing show. He opened with Sugar Mountain... it actually made me cry a bit.

I have the record "After the Goldrush" and I listened to it all the time when I was a kid. I don't really know any of his music that he did after about 1977 though.

1:45 AM  
Blogger hallvardur said...

cool. i'd love to see him live. i'm gonna go with my dad sometime and see him abroad. other canadian band i like alot is godspeed you black emperor!( and silver mount zion). they came and played here about two or three years ago.

2:12 AM  

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