Tuesday, October 19, 2004

mental masturbation pt.2

i have been studying up to the point of a stupifying amount. the only thing besides studying i have done lately is to watch futurama and invader zim. i love johnen vasques. he's insanely good! i notice that i wont find it as easy to watch simpsons after my futurama binge. it's just so much deeper in every way. it has everything simpsons has, but its just a thousand times better. i like the way its commentary is focused on on the everyday questions of existence. and then there is the dilemmas. fry's position for example. he has a crush on leila. but leila, who is desparetely lonely, thinks he's too childish. fry tried being with amy, but got tired after a week. so it's straight out of an existentialist novel, but at the same time it covers the breadth of the soap opera of daily existence.
on friday is our gig on the iceland airwaves. its in this place called bar 11 on the second floor. we are playing along with a troubador and another band called Ókind. you fuckers who are not in reykjavik have an excuse for not coming. i have been trying to get a free ticket for the rest of the festival, as we don't get paid, and the custom is the bands get paid with wristbands. last year i got two, now i get none. oh well. something here is rotten. you are not going to pay me, and i get no wristband? i am lucky if i am allowed to come in. they get hundred bands to play for free, and then they pay a few foreign bands. there is a lot of stuff i'd like to see on this festival. much more then last year for example. for tet for example. then there is a kerrang night on saturday. but then i am playing on café culture with the bulgarian folk band. there might even be some gigs on sunday, for those who like to go to concerts in their hangovers. but i don't have money to pay for it. i am spending my last gig money on the parenting course, due in the end of the month. i am looking forward. then i just have to buy an apartment, a decent car, cat and dog, and get a job delivering pizza's. don't forget the daily dose of tanning cream. i'd get so icelandic people wouldn't recognize me anymore.


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