the royal family of iceland
his is a picture of the NixNoltes, which will be giving a concert on the 25th of february at the Bowery's Ballroom in NYC. They will be opening up for the Animal Collective. They will also do two more concerts in the same week but i have to get the details on that. A recent press newspaper article here said that we were beyond doubt a bigband of crazyassmotherfuckers. it didn't say anything that precise about our music, but needless perhaps, our branch of specially bred and genetically decoded icelandic-bulgarian dance folk punk, fusioned together with unsanity and insanity of various proportions.
(i am on cocaine, by the way)
(i am on cocaine, by the way)
Have fun :P
LOL...Glad for the explaination.
Hey, I would like to listen to some of your music some time. I liked the joanna newsome thing and even bought her cd, so I figure you at least have very good taste.
that's the right arrogant f___! no i'm just joking. well there is something on mp3 on the likn website. we are releasing our album soon, i'll let you know. the nixnoltes will be releasing their album on 12tónar here, and it will be released in the US too. But I'll get more info on that later.
Now we're looking for a place to stay in NY, do you know of anything good? And of course stuff to check out. You could actually do me a favour and tell all your freinds close to the NY area to come to the gig. At least your cult following... thanks, vardi
nú er the nixnoltes bara að fara að meika það??
Skemmtu þér vel í NY! passaðu þig bara á að segja ekki fuck Bush á flugvellinum, þú yrðir snúinn niður og sendur heim með næsta flugi.. þeir eru paranoid.
jájá, það gildir að vera vel rakaður og vatnsgreiddur, og trúa á hagvöxtinn. Það er víst mjög mikilvægt að segja réttu hlutina, og svara rétt spurningunum í flugvélinni.
Don't eat the yellow snow.
Also, don't take the blue acid, or take any wooden nickels.
thank you my dear. you are so caring...
i was actually going to spend my 10 dollars on some crack and a shotgun. when in rome do as the romans do. or at least what you think they would do.
Crack comes from rome?
Once things get a little closer I will advertise your visit on my blog.
If I had real life friends I owuld tell them, but no luck there.
Dont stay at the americana/ It was horrible. Smelled like dead hooker. Broken elevator. Ice on the stairway. I feel down a flight of stairs and landed on my head.
americana? they've found some place, don't know what its called. well real life or not, who cares?
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