Tuesday, November 30, 2004

likn photos

well, photos are up on the likn website (click on the title of this entry).
all taken by audur. after these sessions we are pretty well underway with the thing. overdubs are left, and then finally mixing will probably get going after newyear.
the photos are nice, i'm thinking about a heroin diet though. isnt that standard these days? i mean at least in the fashion industry. marilyn manson must be on those. and i am into fashion totally i watch americas next top model every week almost with my 12 year old sister. that woman in charge sure can be a bitch. i liked the first episode where the all christian women were. they got so far just because it was so good content for the show. that woman modeling with a nude male and praying o help me jesus all the time is the stereotype for america. then it got divided into sluts and christian girls in the end. fascinating. i think its the best reality show, in terms of pure entertainment.
or maybe i should move back into the attic room i lived in once in langahlid. it was one room and a bathroom, no cooking devices, and i had no money. thats a real diet for you. starving to death.
well anyway i think elyse should have one, you know adrianne was cool in the way that she was the most white trash of them but i liked elyse.
(to b) ah, i love lo budget films. frailty was expensive compared to dawn of the dead, which was cheap, in every possible way.
i did get a bad nightmare after watching this japanese movie called alive. it was so dark and i fell asleep halfway through it. i dreamt well though after having finished it, but very strange. i dreamt i was in love with this person i met one time and then never after that. she stays in my mind for some reason, but i don't remember most of the time. some peoples path you only cross once, for some reason. although this should be impossible in such a small town as reykjavik. our routines must be different. i don't know, how to reach out in that case. should be grateful, for these wasted oppertuneties, as they mean there are more oppertuneties than we can manage. it might be also be a potential disaster, who knows?

Sunday, November 28, 2004


i woke up really tired this morning, maybe i had a bad dream or something.
i watched this film called frailty, it was pretty cool. although i don't know if it's healthy to think it cool, it's that sort of a film. it might as wel be made by a wacko religious cult. as the thing it was about, were a dad and two boys, which all started slaying 'demons', that is people, after the father got an angelic vision telling him so.
everything in this hillbilly pronounciation and johnny cash music and all. i recommend it. what better to do on a sunday then watch a horror movie or two.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

what else could i do?

this is my statement on life or something.


jú, ég fór með pabba á tónleika með hljómsveitinni hans hallgríms, og það var stuð. á morgun, hlustum við á upptökurnar sem við erum búnir að gera fyrir þessa nýju plötu, og metum hvaða teik á að nota osfrv. ég ætla að fá allt heim til mín á hörðum diski. við ætlum ekki að vinna þetta eitthvað endalaust mikið, bara alveg minimum.
ég og pabbi fórum líka á dillon, og ætluðum á sirkus, en nenntum ekki, að bíða í röðinni. þá var klukkan líka orðin þrjú. hvað meira? jú, ég á ekki að blogga þegar ég er drukkinn.

Friday, November 26, 2004

oh well, nevermind#2

i'd go through the same thing again, in the same way. its not my problem anymore, its everybodies. cause everybody goes through it in one way or another. i guess at some point i was just naive enough to think i would never, ever have to think about these things again. my parents met when they were really young, and stayed together since. i thought that would be life. i not only thought that, but took it for granted.
we're meeting in the weekend to listen to the recordings. the last week was so intense that i havent felt like doing anything this whole week. goggi, who was recording and playing bass was so tired from it all he could almost not play. its a cheap kind of high though. i'm much better without school though. everything is finished in the term now. i'm sleeping irregularily again. its a routine of disorder.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

oh well, nevermind

i met my ex the other day. she actually moved back to iceland. she's been in finland for two years now, living her normal life. well it was nice seeing her again, or something. we had been in contact since last new year. i had broken off contact with her for one and a half year before that. about a year before that, we broke up. it's been a while! but i'm still single, at the moment, at least. alhtough i have been here and there. more about that later. anyway, she told me she had already lost interest in the whole thing all those years ago. she had just been afraid to admit it. and whatever happened in the relationship, it was her fault also, she just didnt want to admit that either. oh well. could've mentioned it though. we had kept the possibility of getting back together open, as she insisted she didnt really feel like leaving me. i don't know how serious i was about that possibility though. but it definitely changed things for me. the way i have thought about things all this time. i mean it functions as some sort of background processing, something you've never quite finished, and therefore keeps on existing in your mind, and tormenting you.
funny about this thing, it exists only within me. she destroyed the pictures we took. i might have one picture of her, which she gave me sometime. my social envirionment, she never wanted to take part in that. sure people noticed this girl that was always with me. but none of my friends actually knew her, although we were together over a year. which is sort of wierd. then she didnt really want me to go out of the house, so i got a bit isolated.
its just funny, cause, makes me think my life couldve been just the same if this would never have been. but it still is, and remains, at the core of things. a point between a and b where i was at peace. a point to measure against.
i always go through a few weeks of depression after meeting her, but since this is now closed, i have been feeling much better, my energy is being restored.

fuck the clutter of the past and all the people in it. erase. ok. goodbye.

Monday, November 22, 2004

alive she cried

'an ambulance can only go so fast, it's easy to get buried in the past, when your trying to make a good thing last'
- N.Y.
an all night of partying was just what i needed. we finished the session with jón. it seemed like a good occation for drinking so i drank much more then usually, but kicked the beer habit, for whiskey. my hangover was much better then usually so there must be something good about it. the purer alcohol the better.
we went to some new place which was really suspicious, there was a playboy bunny night. the bunnies were just leaving when we came though, at about 2 o clock. so we went to some other places. we ended up in a party after all that. i met this nice icelandic-french girl.

i listen to neil young albums constantly, i gust cant stop. now i'm trying to rotate my listening habits in a random way, but i still come back to these albums. i mean of course, listening to records is almost all i ever do, whatever i may be doing.
one of the things i am doing, is listening to the national radio through the internet. just to listen to something that somebody else feeds me.

relationships are a promise, nothing more.
you will always be disappointed, whatever you do.
i am the one who cannot speak, who stands frozen when the shit hits the fan.
getting suffocated..
conflict is all there is left.

i mean i'd love to be happy, but it just seems to be too much to ask.
it comes in bits and pieces, and you can't always get the whole picture at the same time.

i feel happy to be alive.
what is the point of being, if you cannot allow yourself to be glad to be alive.
this night the moon is full, followed by a ghostly cloud.
the air is still and cold.
my head aches in a numb sort of way.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


today the snow was so massive that it was impossible to get between places. it was half a meter. i was walking home, looking like snowman, when i noticed that the cat in the next house was sitting inthe wheeltraces. he looked at me like i was an alien. nothing seemed to disturb him. and i thought, this is the way to live; undisturbed by the chaos of your surroundings.

i think its probably a nice time of the year, when you just have to stay inside and read.
curled up like the cats do, licking themselves.
some people really like snow. i feel comforted by it. i mean there was practically no snow at all last winter.
this is when this place turns into this fairytale island its supposed to be.

i have been listening to music of the middle ages. it's quite beautiful. For some strange reason i really like Giacomo Caressimi, who wrote historia di Jepthe, around 1600. i also like Henry Purcell and Claudio Monteverdi. Music from this era has a lot of simplicity to it. They even included the trouvéres in the course, who were french troubadours of the 1500s. of course i'm being forced to listen to this. But when i finally get to it i benefit.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

if only

if only that, if only this, oh how it sucks to sit home and think; if only.
to construct a time-warping machine would be a bad idea

með því að breyta litlum smáatriðum aftur í tímann væri hægt að breyti hinni stóru mynd óafvitandi nánast óendanlega mikið. ef við gætum reiknað út afleiðingar hverra einustu gjörða okkar niður í smæstu smáatriði... td. ef ég hefði ekki kynnst a í menntaskóla, hefði ég ekki orðið svo náinn b, sem hefði leitt af sér að ég hefði ekki gert x og ekki kynnst c sem var kærastan mín í eitt og hálft ár.
ég sá eminem myndbandið mosh í sjónvarpinu og var frekar ánægður með þetta framtak. óheppni að helmingurinn af könum skuli vera svona heimskur, og það munaði svo litlu.
en þetta gefur okkur vonandi ástæðu til þess að berjast fyrir betri heimi.

feeling serene with beatles

feeling serene with beatles
Originally uploaded by hallfredinn.
snowflakes by audur, photo: georg

Sunday, November 07, 2004

november fourth

"one step closer to the end of the world. the one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparantly proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.
it's asad day to be an american."
-trent reznor

Thursday, November 04, 2004


sumtimes i feel like giving up on this human race and leaving for another planet. for example when i go out drinking. ever noticed how much assholes (some)people become when they are drunk? they're fucking horrible. some of them, that is. negativity breeds more easily. patronisism breeds easily when your drinking.
oh, well. better learn to be an asshole. that seems to be the best way to survive, when you are amongst assholes.
in rome, do as the romans do.
my band is going through adrummer crisis!!!! oh no!!!
biggi, who has started working on broadway, just had to quit, because we don't pay him enough. no, i mean we don't get paid enough. whatever. hereafter, the lineup will state: various drummers. in spinal tap, they used to blow up there drummer, it was their ritual, it's kind of the same thing we're going through.
so recording is at a small halt. we still have to pay the rent though, of our rehearsal space. i'm spending all my money on this.
and procrastinating in the school, where i am supposed to study music theory and stuff.
what is going to happen to me? is there life after skool? probably in brainwashing. i must brainwash everybody.
there is more hope, in being someone elses slave then being your own slave.
we're not gonna find a new drummer though yet, cause Jon Indriðason farmer, is going to come for a week from húsavík and play onto our recording. he would be in the band, if he wasnt on húsavík.
so that's my plan, until i find someone, someone, to make me her slave.